Meet Artist and Designer Patricia Larsen

Ever have one those serendipitous moments where everything aligns beautifully? It was Mother’s Day and the thought of going to a busy café, standing in line, was too much pressure for me. G and I only had one child home to celebrate with me so we decided to do something different. Well truthfully, I, wanted to do something different. A small disagreement ensued as to where we should eat. A new place on the waterfront just opened and G was keen to try it. For some reason I didn’t want to go. I yearned for something simpler, low key and easier to access. My friend Ann, a major foodie, had told us about a little coffee place called Le Marché St. George, just off trendy, hipster Main Street, so I suggested we go there.  Good Call. The place was a former corner grocery store converted into a delightful rustic French café. When we arrived, there were people sitting on the curb in mismatched chairs and more inside standing or sitting on benches. At first we were confused, as it appeared everyone might be waiting in line. But no, it was just a casual sprinkling of friends enjoying each other’s company, and sitting any place they could find.

The coffee was great, the pastries came on old vintage silver pieces and the whole experience felt just right.  One would think this was enough - a great Mother’s day with my husband and daughter. But it gets better.

As we are sitting outside I notice this beautifully dressed woman. I introduce myself and we talked about her outfit and she mentioned that she and her daughters make the silk top, like the one she’s wearing and she then invited us to the exhibition upstairs. As it turnsout her daughters own and run Le Marché St. George and the three of them are all artists in their own right and upstairs was their gallery.

This is where it gets interesting. Talk about being in the right place at the right time! Follow me on a tour of what was upstairs. Enjoy the designs of Patricia Larsen and her daughters.

Patricia Larsen is presently living and painting in the southern tip of the Baja, in Pascadero Mexico, In her words: “Beauty is in the juxtaposition of things, its energies working together in harmony and disharmony. Sometimes beauty is in the resistance and the tension, and sometimes it’s in complete surrender.” PL

6 thoughts on “Meet Artist and Designer Patricia Larsen

  1. REALLY inspired by the feeling of family and enjoyment of life on your blog. The serendipity too of being so in flow that you would get to meet this beautiful woman (who reminds me of Dame Judy Dench) and see inside her elegant but artsy home, it really seems to fit your blog theme also. Did you get to stay for dinner?, Blessings kittybaroque BYW X

    • Hi Kittybaroque,
      Thanks for talking the time to post on my blog. I really appreciate your generous comments. We didn’t stay for dinner but we certainly felt satiated. Tina xo

    • Hi Eduardo, Please check on instagram if this is the same Patricia Larsen you are looking for. Her handle is @patricia_larsen Good Luck!

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