Last night I had an incredible Indian dinner at the home of my friends Barbara and Andrea.  I found myself spending a good part of the night snapping photos of their home on my iphone. Barbara and Andrea, originally from Italy, are in the process of becoming Canadians.  Andrea is an award winning Physicist and Researcher, and Barbara, who re-defined herself, left her former career as a lawyer, and is now a very successful Graphic Designer.  The two of them have an amazing sense of design manifested in their numerous, artfully displayed collections.  Many of the vintage toys and furniture are Andrea’s from childhood, brought over from Italy, others are from their students days living in Holland the US. They share their beautiful Kitsilano home with their two boys.  Enjoy the pictures.

self portrait by Luca

Andrea bought this vintage screen from his mother and then had a metal worker repair the frame.

This bookcase was custom made to fit the stairs.